4 Most Expensive Car Problems

Your friendly neighborhood auto mechanic won't have to put a huge dent in your savings account for certain repairs, but other car repair issues can cost a bundle. Knowing the most expensive car repairs can help you look for red flags and prepare yourself for those expenses.

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How to Choose the Right Tires

One of the most often overlooked yet important aspects of your car is your tires. Even with all the latest advancements in vehicle safety technology, they are still the only part of the car that touches the road, which means they have a significant impact on your safety. However, like many people, you've probably asked "what are the best tires for my car," since you don't know where to start. If you've never purchased tires on your own or just want to learn more to avoid overpaying, here's a handy guide to find the best car tires.

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How to Avoid a Car Mechanic Scam

Auto mechanics provide a very important and necessary service. A good mechanic will give your car the service it needs at a reasonable price. Unfortunately, some mechanics are less than honest. They rely on the average consumer's ignorance about many types of car repairs, and attempt to charge you for products and services you don't need and may not even receive once you've paid for them.


Protect your investment and your car. Make sure you know how to keep an eye out for auto repair shop scams. These smart tactics will help you spot fraudulent claims before you're taken in, so you can get your car out of the shop unscathed and take it on to a mechanic who deserves your patronage.

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4 Car Maintenance Myths Busted

Car maintenance is critical for good performance and a long lifespan. However, there are many common practices of car care and maintenance that are in fact based on myths. Don't let these fallacies draw you in. If you're not careful, you may end up spending more than necessary for services that don't do anything to help your vehicle. These myths have been busted, so you can nix the unnecessary services from your budget.

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What Doesn’t My Insurance Cover?

You're legally required to carry car insurance, so you may purchase a plan dutifully without giving it much thought. When something goes wrong, your first reaction is often to turn to your insurer for help. Unfortunately, there are a host of situations where your insurance company will turn away, leaving you to handle the aftermath on your own.

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