Replacing Your Car’s Brakes: The Early Warning Signs

It’s often the things we rely on throughout our days that we take for granted. The sun rises, the birds sing and your favorite coffee shop is open, ready to caffeinate you for the day ahead. It’s only when they are missing that you notice how important they are.

This principle is never more true than when applied to vehicles. Every car is composed of thousands of parts, all playing a role in getting you safely to your destination. Some of those parts and the systems they construct are more important than others, and your brakes are a prime example.

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Everything You Should Know About Extended Car Warranties

If you’ve ever had the opportunity to own a car, there’s a good chance you’ve been offered an extended warranty for your vehicle. Whether it’s at the dealership as you’re closing a deal or through the mail once you’ve owned the car for some time, the majority of car owners are bound to find themselves faced with a choice—to buy an extended car warranty or opt out.

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The Must-Know Types of Regular Maintenance Every Car Needs

Cars are part of most people’s everyday routines. We use them to drive to work, visit our loved ones and ultimately they get us from Point A to Point B time and time again.

In order to ensure these vehicles are doing their jobs safely, proper maintenance is a must.

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Top 10 Car Repair Problems

Nobody likes to see smoke seeping from under the hood of a car or hear an unexpected clanking noise while driving down the highway. Cars need repairs from time to time, but you can avoid some of the most common car repair problems if you focus on prevention instead of reaction.

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How to Save on Your Next Car Rental: Price Comparison & Fees to Avoid

Whether you want the versatility to explore a new place on vacation, or you just need a car to get you to meetings on a business trip, a rental car is a handy option. However, rental cars can get downright expensive, especially if you book at the last minute or want a car to match your lifestyle or vacation needs. Nevertheless, you don't have to frivolously waste money on your next trip. Here are just a few ways you can easily compare prices and avoid fees to get cheap car rentals.

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